I can't believe the first week of our Spring/Summer break is already gone! It was a pleasant week with much completed. I really like to spend the first week of break going through all of our books and pulling all of the books for next year. Having everything organized on the school bookcase and a shopping list of what is needed already to go is so helpful. I have all the books organized, my Amazon wish list organized, a rough outline of our studies and my brand new "thinking book" nearby, so I can record all of my thoughts for the upcoming year. Now that I know what we have and what we need, I can embrace our break without worrying about planning for next year.
Next year's books...
Ahhh! Now to get down to Spring/Summer break. I have two possible start dates for getting back to school, one in July and one in August. Depending on how the kids do with our break will determine how long we are on vacation. Sometimes, they are really eager to start back to school after just a few weeks and other times I am. One of my kids really does better with the same old routine and finds vacation time and having to entertain one's self to be very difficult. Another child is very messy and destructive if left to one's own devices for more than ten minutes. We have a very long summer wish list this year, so I am hoping that we will be able to make the break last until our August start date.
The kids and I wrote out our summer wish list on the last day of school. It's all on a poster board next to our front door so we can cross off what we have done. I'll be standing in several hours-long lines to sign up for free and discounted lessons ... first come, first served.
The list is as follows:
- Watching a thunderstorm
- Playing in the rain
- Swimming lessons (offered by the city for free)
- Extend the 6 foot fence in the backyard
- Tennis lessons (offered by the city at major discount)
- Laying in the sun watching some clouds
- Making emergency "to go" kits (all the disasters we've been experiencing in the Southeast got me thinking I should do this)
- Gymnastics (probably will be done in our backyard, not in a class)
- Go to Disney World (this will be the biggest vacation we've ever taken, so we're really excited)
- Summer library programs
Perform six times on stage in "Beauty and the Beast"
Grandparents visiting
Summer movie camp ($1 a movie)
Organize the basement
One day of play at the city pool
Berry picking (hoping to do lots of this so we can freeze extra berries)
Learning some new recipes for ds's allergy diet
Play dates
Balloon water fight (there's usually more than one of these)
Catching fireflies (a favorite summer evening activity)
Working on our goal of going to "52 parks in 52 weeks"
Late night trip to get ice cream
Reading books
Barnes and Noble reading program
July 4th fireworks
Bowling (with some free coupons)
Mountain hiking (a favorite weekend activity)
Splashville (a free park in our city where kids can play in water spouting out of the pavement)
Whoo Hoo! What a list .... We will see how much we get through! We will be striking two of those things off the list this week. Our children have three sets of grandparents. My Mother, who lives only six miles away, their Father's Dad and Step-Mother, and my Dad and Step-Mother. All but my Mom live out of state. One set of out-of-town grandparents will be here in a few days to see the kids perform. My children will be starting daily final rehearsals for "Beauty and the Beast" tomorrow. Opening night is just a few days away!!!
We do have some goals to work on this summer and a little bit of school to do. We will continue with circle time for 20 to 30 minutes each morning. During circle time, we will read a chapter in our family book, review an educational poster, do a math page and review a few sight words. The kids will also be doing lots of reading for the different reward programs in our area.
The kids' goals for the Summer are as follows ~
Little Red Ridinghood ~ Learn how to swallow a pill and to eat more than the three required bites of beans
Tom Sawyer ~ Learn how to ride a bike and showing appreciation to older brother
Goldilocks ~ Learn how to wash her own laundry and keep her face clean
What are you all doing during this warm and pleasant season?