Wow! It is August already. I can hardly believe it. The summer is racing past us and I have so much more I want to do. I shall not whine about it, though. I have got lots of de-cluttering done and lots and lots of weeding. We will see how much more happens over the month of August.
We are adding a bit more school each week to our schedule. I have worried, re-evaluated and re-evaluated once again over Anne's subjects and the materials she will be using this year. Her dance, work, and family required activities schedule is so packed on paper that I am concerned that she won't be able to do more than three subjects a day (most days). She has agreed to do school work six days a week and she understands that she may be doing school into June. However, if she keeps to three subjects a day with rotation of some subjects weekly, she will be done with all that she is attempting to complete by mid-May. I am hoping that reducing her daily work load and spreading it out will help her not burn out. She started three weeks ago and has already finished one
Life of Fred book (
Australia High School language arts) and two units in her Earth Science curriculum.
Our school plans for August are ~
Anne plans to complete another
Life of Fred book and her cursive book this month.
Dean is working through his Critical Thinking book and doing very well. He enjoys the lessons.
I am reading two books right now. The fetal alcohol syndrome book is really good and is stretching my thought process during these years of raising a young man with fetal alcohol syndrome. The second is just a book by John Taylor Gatto. I like anything he has written about education.
We are reading books about Salem and Milton Hershey before our New England trip. They both will be reading these.
We are doing a few projects from this book before leaving and a few more once we return.
We are also listening to
The Scarlet Letter and working through some of the comprehension questions before visiting Nathanial Hawthorne's home on our vacation.
Dean will be a camp counselor for one more week starting Monday. It is the Wandering Swordsmen camp, and he is really looking forward to it. I am glad he is going to get a little bit more on-the-job training. It is so good for him. Anne continues to work two days a week. She loves her job. She is also dancing three to four times a week in the month of August. Her new schedule is out for fall, and she signed up for 17 hours of dance each week!
We are gearing up for our big trip to New England. We are still firming up plans, but it is going to be an amazing journey.
Lastly, we are squeezing in lots of fun. Anne hopes to invite one more friend for an overnight this summer and she got to go out to lunch with her best friend last weekend. Both teens went to the mall with their twin friends for their birthday.
It's going to be a great month!
Blessings, Dawn