Saturday, July 17, 2021


 Finally, Thumbalisa has been released on film to the internet. Rebekah's last character role was Thumbalisa at her former dance studio (ACDT). She enjoyed the role which was filmed both inside the studio and outside in a field at the local university. 

She found having the main character role to be exciting and she was in almost every dance, either dancing with the other characters or interacting with them is some way.

It was a fantastic show and we really enjoyed watching it (over and over again). LOL. Rebekah had so many experience over the years at ACDT.  She missed performing for a live audience, but is grateful to have such a cool film to show for her senior year.

Blessings, Dawn


  1. Such a bitter sweet moment when they have their "last" performance. Looking forward to hearing about her new dance adventures!

  2. That is so amazing that she got the lead and had so much fun in all her scenes. It looks like a lovely production.
