Wednesday, January 10, 2024

2024 Goals

 These are my 24 goals for 2024. I write goals so that I can keep the things I wish to accomplish in focus. I don't expect to complete everything on this list. However, I am a "check off the list" person, so I like to have lots of long-term goals. 


1) Read 30 Books ~ I read 25 books last year and I already have 29 on my shelf for this year. I really need to stay out of the used book 

2) Walk 800 Miles ~ I barely completed this goal last year. I do hope to maybe pass it this year, but we shall see. We have a sidewalk going in on the street right next to ours which will open our world a bit. 

3) Strength and Stretch Rotation ~ I have to keep this goal on the list so that I will do it. Outside of walking, I don't really care to do any exercise. I will keep it up, because there are so many benefits that I see in my daily life. 

4) Take a Continuing Education Class ~  I am thinking of taking a florist class or interior decorating class at the community college sometime this year. I would like to take the class to expand my knowledge and to expand my social groups. 

5) Learn a Little Bit of French ~ We are going to try Babble and see if I can learn some French, despite my significant learning difference in foreign languages. I would like to know a bit of French, because we are hoping to go to French Canada this year. 

6) Widen and Maintain my Friend Group ~ I made one really nice new friend last year. I need to make sure to maintain that new friendship. Also, I am thinking of other ways to expand my friendships. I may host a party or two this year. I also am thinking of what group or organization I might want to join to find more kindred spirits. 

7) Convert My Blog into Books ~ This is another goal from last year. I did not complete this one and I am still several years behind. Maybe this will be the year I'll catch up. 


This house knows I am earning two paychecks now and it fully intends to take every penny ~ LOL! This year's overall goal is to stay out of debt, which we accomplished becoming debt free last year (except for our mortgage). 

8) Renovate the Second Bathroom ~ This was on the list last year to do the floors. We discovered that the entire bathroom was in need of a full gut. The damage and condition of the cabinets, bathtub and floors were just too bad. We have been on a waiting list for six months. Hopefully, our turn will be next month. We are next in line. 

9) Buy and Have a Dishwasher Installed ~ This may sound simple, but it is not. Our house was built in three stages and the 1970's part is a never ending disaster zone. Unfortunately, our kitchen is in that section of the house. I have been without a dishwasher for 4 years and we were going to continue without it because of all the extensive plumbing work we had done last year between the kitchen sink, one bathroom and 20 feet of pipes that had to be replaced outside. However, the pipes behind the dishwasher have given way; and on further inspection, we discovered that the plumbing and electricity were not up to code and that the plumbing was failing and the electricity was dangerous. BIG SURPRISE...NOT. So $2,500 later, I should have a working dishwasher and safer kitchen by next week. Yikes. Can you feel blessed and distraught at the same time?

10) Buy a New Washing Machine ~ Before the dishwasher fiasco, we were planning to replace our washer this month. It is truly on its last leg. I was threatening it last week with a wrench and a  screwdriver.  It decided to behave for a few more weeks. Seriously, it is leaking a bit, the door hates to close (fixed it a bit with the screwdriver) and you have to beg it to start every time. It sometimes takes five attempts before it starts a cycle. Oh, the cycles also sometime last an hour longer than it should. All that said, I hope it survives until March. 

11) Paint the Rest of the Basement ~ Elijah painted the laundry room section of the basement last month. I hope to get the rest of it painted crisp white this year. The improvement is amazing. 

12) Paint the Kitchen Cabinets ~ We are thinking of keeping them blue but a color that would complement the dining room. 

13) Paint the Dining Room ~ We are also hoping to paint the dining room this year. The brown color needs touch up and we are just tired of it. We are thinking of a very light blue. 

14) Paint Stairwell and Add Victorian Dust Corners ~ Yep, I know my house was built between 1955 and 1975. I just don't care. If I am going to live here, I am going to give it as many Victorian and Edwardian touches as I can. I will keep taking the house back to when quality counted and craftsmanship was revered. 

Global Citizen

15) Monthly Charity ~ I want to return to doing monthly charity instead of a whole bunch at Christmastime. This is more fitting to the way I want to give and will allow me to spend more on any given charity than trying to spend all of the money at once. 

16) Compost ~ I am signed up with the city compost program and started doing it a few months ago. We still are struggling to get the scraps delivered to the bins outside the library. It is less than a mile, but it isn't a habit yet. I hope to make it so this year. 

17) Reduce Plastic Bags ~ We made great gains last year in reducing plastic bags. My quandary is curbside pick up of groceries at Target and the many, many bread bags. I have reduced my Target curbside pick up to once a month, but I don't want to give it up completely. Also, what to do about the bread bags. I will have to keep thinking. 


18) Visit Another Country ~ We are getting pretty close to making reservations for a trip to Montreal and Quebec City. It is the most likely thing we are doing for Spring Break...but a few things need to fall into place first. 

19) Visit a New to us City or State ~ We don't have any plans right now for travel to a new state or city...but I like to keep them on my wish list. 

20) Visit a Different City or Place at Christmastime ~ I would love to go to Newport, Rhode Island for Christmas, but I am not sure that is in the cards for this year. I love to see how different places decorate and what fun events they have. I am sure we will find somewhere even if it is much closer to home. 

21) Explore, Explore, Explore ~ This one is just a reminder to take advantage of new experiences. Rebekah and I have an annual pass to the Biltmore this year. We hope to go a minimum of once each month. Also, there are just little wonderful things to see, hear and experience all the time. My motto is to do something fun, even when on a trip that is primarily for doctor appointments or auditions. 


22) Do Another Breakout Room ~ This was a huge hit and I want to make sure we do it again. 

23) Go out to Dinner as a Family (monthly) ~ This is one of the best ways to get Elijah out and about with the family. We will be doing this on non-travel months. 

24) Try Some Activities with Arms Around ASD ~ This is an organization in our area that has classes, game nights, health screenings, massages for clients and caregivers and other support services for caregivers of people with autism. I want to see if any of the activities are a good fit for any members of our family.

Happy New Year everyone!

Blessings, Dawn

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a great list. I can't wait to see your bathroom redo. Ours (built in the 60s) is in desperate need of a make over as well. We still have a blue tub, toilet, sink and a creaky floor.
