Thursday, August 9, 2007

What room is the heart of your home?

I so often hear people say the heart of their home is their kitchen.  Not me ....  My kitchen is often hot and the children, if they are hanging out with me, are underfoot.  If my children are off playing, then I feel far away from them and I am hurrying to get back out of the kitchen.

The heart of my home is the dining room.  It is by far my favorite room in the house.  This is the room where I bake with my children, plan events and projects with my dh, do a lot of homeschooling, eat many family meals and play a mean game of Scrabble, along with other board games.  This is the room where SOME of our bookcases are filled to the brim with my dear paper friends. 



  1. I have to agree with you. I have know made my Dinning Room, Kitchen, and Living Room one open room. ( In the new house) So we ARE together. (0; But they CAN go down stairs if they need to. To the rec/learning room or their bedrooms. I need to get a pretty table cloth to spiff mine up though.

    God Bless my SSiC ( Sweet Sister in Christ)

    In Him<><


  2. Interesting. Do you bring ALL your baking ingredients in from the kitchen then?

    I would say our Living Room is the Heart of our Home.

  3. without doubt our family room. We all spend much time there, watching tv as a family, reading, and playing games. More recently, we've had several Bible studies there, and oh, the residue. Thanks for making me think about how wonderful our home is--now to get to cleaning it...

  4. We'll have to get together soon and enjoy that dining room!

    We're headed home from San Diego. I'm sitting in a motel suite.

    The heart of our home would be the living room (or dining room). We do most of our hanging out there and homeschooling. The dining room is right next door and would probably come in a close second place.

