Monday, May 12, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

The Simple Woman holds a really fun meme and I thought I would join in this week.  If you want to read more daybook entries, go to the above link.


Outside my window ~ We have a high winds warning out today and everything is blustery.  The windows are shaking, but we feel safe tucked into our 77 year old home nestled here in the mountains.

I am thinking ~ Our last week of school...our big teen must finish up The Time Machine, Rich Dad/Poor Dad, and his current affairs book.  The little ones are transitioning into more child-led activities.

I am thankful for ~ My sturdy home and reliable Internet connection.

From the kitchen ~ Not much cooking today.

I am creating ~  Scrapbooking all of my kiddos best art work from this school year.  It is nice to get it all in one place, instead of scattered to the four winds.

I am going ~ To our attachment therapy and RAD support group for our Goldilocks tonight.

I am wearing ~ Jeans, long sleeve flower shirt and socks.

I am reading ~ Transforming the Difficult Child's Mind.

I am hoping ~ That none of our trees blow down or lose too many tender leaves.

I am hearing ~ My children watching the movie, Water Horse Legend of the Deep.

Around the house ~ I need to finish putting the laundry away and get out art supplies for art lessons in a little while.

One of my favorite things ~ Watching thunderstorms and windy days like today with a warm cup of tea in my hand.


Nature center, end-of-year testing on Friday, doctor appointment on Wednesday, and pulling together and finishing up school projects.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you ~ Who is studying whom?

Blessings, Dawn


  1. Your picture: Looks like a great place to relax and read. The goose is sneaking in, maybe looking for food.

    Your plans for finishing up the school year sound great!

    My husband read Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

    The Time Machine: Did he choose that one? I love reading any fiction about time travel. I've found several good ones lately.

    Have a geat week,

  2. Love the picture! And I think I need that book about transforming the mind of the difficult child. I'll look at my library. Thanks.


  3. I love your pic, and happy mothers day to you also!

  4. We had a very blustery day also. Luckily we had trimmed the weaker branches the other day, but some of the tender roses and bushes didn't fair as well. This morning is calm and lovely with the famous Carolina Sunshine. Good luck with the end of the year testing. Love the picture and the caption is clever. Have a wonderful week.

  5. blessedwith2angelsMay 13, 2008 at 6:10 AM

    What a fun photo. Nature watching at its finest. : )


  6. I LOVED your pic of your ds and the goose. Yes nature and us tend to observe eachother. hee he.

    I would LOVE to see samples of your scrapbook of your dc's art. That would be neat to see. I am always looking for ways to create a momento of their work.

    I am soooooo glad you are participating in the Simple Woman's Daybook. I just love it and look forward to it.

    Blessings and ((HUGS)) my SSiC

    In Him<><


  7. Water Horse Legend of The Deep...

    I'll have to check that out.

  8. that picture of the goose and your son!

  9. I love the picture! Looks like your ds won't be getting much studying done with Mr. (or Mrs.) goose nosing around, LOL!

  10. That's too cute with them watching each other!!

    Blessings for a wonderful week!

  11. That's a great picture! :) I enjoyed catching up on your posts. Congrats to your little reader! I've never used 100 Easy Lessons, but have always wanted to see it. So far, our children have all began reading between the ages of 3 and 7...they are all sooo different! They LOVE it when they "get it" and then the next thing they can't wait to do is read the Bible at devotions each night "just like Daddy" :)

  12. What a cute picture! I enjoyed reading your Daybook and I hope your week is going well!


  13. Kathy@ Mimi's GardenMay 15, 2008 at 4:44 PM

    Thunderstorms are great, aren't they? To me, they are comforting and peaceful!

  14. I love that picture LOL!
