Friday, December 22, 2017

The Last Week of lessons for 2017

This last week of 2017 was pretty quiet. The kids finished up their lessons, and I planned out the next two months of lessons. Dean has just two hours of work at his art gallery internship today and then we have completed every planned lesson. We are ready for a well deserved break.

The only pictures on my camera this week are food. Anne has really embraced baking and cooking. She made three dozens of muffins from scratch, cranberry sauce, and helped to make dog bones and gingerbread cookies. Dean decorated the cookies in the photo below.

Other than wrapping up school, dance and lots of baking, there isn't too much to report. We did take a quick day trip to Ikea to purchase Dean's main Christmas present. He picked out an armoire that he has wanted for more than a year. He plans to assemble it all by himself over Christmas break. We will see how that goes! He does have amazing visual-spatial abilities and has always been able to put together the most complicated Lego sets, so maybe it will be a piece of cake for him.
Image result for armoire ikea

Now it is Friday. I plan to defrost the freezer, which has been emptied, so I can prepare it for being restocked in the coming year. I empty the freezer for meals each year in December. It saves us tons of money on groceries, so I can use that money toward Christmas and it ensures that we always have fresh food in the freezer. I will have to pack some things better next year. Bread that had been tossed into the freezer in its original packaging turned out to be hard or damp when it was thawed. Also, some of the meat needed to be packed better or stacked in a way that the plastic wrap didn't rip and cause freezer burn. It was all edible, just not as delicious as it could have been.

May all of you have a blessed and peaceful Christmas and holiday weekend.

Blessings, Dawn


  1. Yay for getting everything finished for this portion of the school year. I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas.

  2. That sounds like a nice week. We need to defrost our freezer too! I am actually waiting until we get below zero temps so the food can all go outside in a cooler (in the detached garage) since it is a big chest freezer.

  3. Sounds like a nice way to end the year. I like your idea of clearing out the freezer in December, I'll have to try to incorporate that! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  4. I'll bet Dean will have that armoire together in no time!

    Merry Christmas!!

  5. Merry Christmas, Dawn! I hope the new year to come is as beautiful as last year has been for you and your family.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and all your family.

  7. hello there!! one of my projects this new year is to blog more!

    We are down to two freezers right now. I should have us down to one here soon which is good because in five months, we'll butcher 3 pigs and a cow late fall. I'll probably need to get another freezer. Its wonderful to have all of that in there. I also plan on making and freezing some homeade ravioli and perogies (I got a pasta maker for Christmas).

    Enjoy your break!

  8. This year was my first time ever making cranberry sauce. I'm embarrassed at how easy it was, lol.
