Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Pattern of Our Days

I know I have been quiet over here for a few weeks. All is going well. I have been very busy selling all of the stuff I have been decluttering from our home for the last year or so. I am kept busy between eBay, Craigslist, Depop and Facebook online yard sales. I am happy to report that I have accomplished my first two goals of earning enough money to set aside for six pairs of pointe shoes for Rebekah (which I hope will take her into January) and money to hire an electrician to straighten out the wonky lighting in the laundry/storage room of the basement. I am very excited about having lighting in the stairwell again and a real light switch in the storage area. 

Elijah is doing very well with his job at Target. It is not his favorite job. He finds it a bit boring or at least lacking creativity. I think he might find it a bit lonely, too. He hasn't said so, but his face lights up when he tells about any interaction he has had with a customer. Otherwise, he basically works alone. He stocks the shelves in the toy and sports departments, helps unload trucks and runs the cardboard Monster crushing machine. He is generally working 25 hours a week, which seems to be his current limit. I am so pleased how nice Target has been so far and so willing to adjust his schedule to meet his needs. His first paycheck was very exciting and bigger than he expected. He was able to pay his modest rent to us (30% of his monthly pay up to $350) put 10% into savings, buy his brother a just because gift, set aside money for his cat's upcoming vet checkup and still have Starbucks coffee money for several outings. He is already plotting his next paycheck and will be putting much more into savings this time. I am so proud of him and all the growth I am seeing in him!

I am not sure if I said it in an earlier post, but Elijah also passed the written test of his Learner's Permit for driving. He hasn't gotten behind the wheel yet. That is way too anxiety producing, but I am hoping to get him into empty parking lot driving in the next few weeks. 

In Elijah and Tim's spare time, they are very busy playing Warhammer. Their mini figurine armies are getting big and they can play much longer games (like 3 hour games). I am surprised how much math and rules are involved with this game. They are always referencing their stacks of Warhammer books. 

Rebekah has been working full time for a few weeks and taking adult dance classes at night to stay conditioned. She loves her new studio. Monday starts the new school year here, so she will be going down to 17.5 hours of work and starting the professional ballet training program. Her co-workers were sad to see her work her last Saturday for the foreseeable future. She has become very useful to them and is now trained in almost every area of this consignment shop. She will still work every morning, Monday through Friday.

Animals keep our hearts extra full around here. Our three cats are so much fun. The picture below is of Eve (the small cat that walked into our lives last New Year's Eve). She is the funniest/clumsiest cat in the house and fits in nicely. She is now a whopping 13 pounds and the biggest cat in the house. 

We have a wild turkey mama with her six poults that visit every day. They are eating lots of bugs.

Well, that is all for now. I am excited and also anxious to see how the next few weeks go. I am a bit concerned about the emotional toll the professional training program will have on Rebekah. She is a perfectionist through and through. 

Blessings, Dawn


  1. You are making great progress on decluttering and earning extra from the savings. Just buying the pointe shoes is a huge task!

    I'm glad Elijah's doing well with his job, but hope he can find a way to use his creativity.

  2. What wonderful goals set and met and growth still happening in your family's life!

    I wish Elijah the peace and confidence he needs to get behind the wheel! And here's to a wonderful new dance season for Rebeka!!

  3. How great that you raised enough money to get the lighting fixed! It sounds like Elijah is doing well and I wish Rebekah lots of luck with her training program.
