Monday, January 3, 2022

Goals for 2022

 Last year I made 21 goals for 2021. It was a good exercise to help keep me motivated during a difficult year. I did pretty well too. I completed  thirteen of the goals, made progress on three goals and didn't touch five of the goals. I decided to try this exercise again. 

This time I have 22 goals. I treat goals as reminders of things I would like to do, but not laws. If I don't get to them all, that is totally fine. 

  1. Read 12 Books ~ I accomplished 18 books last year. WooHoo! 
  2. Get a Physical with bloodwork ~ I haven't had an in person physical since Covid. I feel just fine, but I need to get back to taking care of my medical care. 
  3. Loose six pounds ~ I lost about 16 pounds before Covid using Trim Healthy Mama. It was great and I met my goal. I have snacked way to much in the last two years and regained six of those pounds. So, I want to shave 6 pounds off and just maintain the weight I had accomplished before.
  4. Start Volunteering ~ I have a few places I am considering. I really would like to have an out of the home purpose.
  5. Do 52 Acts of Kindness ~ I am really looking forward to this goal. 
  6. Touch my toes ~ I have never been a flexible person. I don't think I have been able to touch my toes since I was a teenager. Time to work on that one.
  7. Learn to make soft sandwich bread ~ I have accomplished rustic and crusty breads. Now it is time to learn how to make soft breads. 
  8. Go on monthly dates with husband ~ We really dropped this one in the last two years. Do you see a theme here. It is time to get back into our routines before Covid (while still staying as safe as possible).
  9. Walk 800 miles ~ I walked about 550 miles in 2021. Hopefully, I can make my goal this year.
  10. Have a 50th birthday party ~ Yes, I turn 50 this year. I am thinking of a few different themes. It may be family only or with some friends. We will see were the year goes.
  11. Have a Game Party ~ I really want to have a fun game night and play the Victorian cobweb game and Saran wrap ball game. I sure I will think of a few others. Hopefully, this party will be with people from outside our home. Dreams...
  12. Reduce 365 items from our home ~ We reduced 378 items last year. We follow the one thing in one thing out rule all the time, so this is an addition 365 items removed from our home. 
  13. Paint the laundry room ~ This is a rollover from last year. Maybe I will get to it this year.
  14. Have new lighting installed in the library ~ My mother gave us a new overhead light fixture for our anniversary. I do hope to get it installed in the next month or two.
  15. Update the rec room ~ I would like to make improvements to the rec room. We would like to install an electric fireplace, make the walls uniform (there are five different textures or types of walls in our rec room) and replace two interior doors. I have multiple options. Not all of them will happen.
  16. Visit a new to us State Park ~ We discovered such a wonderful new to us state park last year. I look forward to seeing what we will find this year.
  17. Visit a new to us National Park  or site ~We have two in mind. We will see if we see one of them or something else.
  18. Take a long weekend trip with family ~ The kids are growing up fast and have very busy lives. It is hard to work out family trips, but we will keep working on it.
  19. See a new to us City ~ I am pretty sure at least three of us are making a trip to Louisville, Kentucky in a few weeks. There is actually a fair amount of travel in some of our immediate futures.
  20. Visit a new state ~ Can you tell I love to explore and see new things. 
  21. Go on a train ride ~ Now I am just throwing out dreams ~ even the unlikely ones.
  22. Visit New York City at Christmas time ~ A person can dream.
Remember that goals are things to motivate us, not enslave us. I know I won't accomplish all of these goals and that is just fine.

Blessings, Dawn


  1. I just love your blog. You have so many simple ideas for cultivating contentment. Thank you for this!

    In the case you haven’t visited before, I highly recommend St. Louis! We’re affordable, and many of our attractions are outdoors. The arch was also recently made a national monument. We also have LOTS of local culinary specialties. I highly recommend coming in the spring or fall, as our summers are boiling and our winters are pretty gross.

  2. Great list of goals! I love that you do achievable goals. I'm going to be in purge mode this year!

  3. I think this is a fabulous list of goals! We're hoping to visit a National park this year too.

  4. I missed my book goal last year. I hoped to read 80, but only made it to 74. Trying again this year. I'm 3 books in so far.

    Volunteering was a great experience for me. I tried a few different things: animals, tree planting, literacy, etc. Feels good to give back after all the years I just couldn't because I was full time parenting.
