Another week has flown by! This was one of those weeks where I didn't touch the camera much. Thank goodness I record everything in lesson planners, otherwise it would be like the week didn't happen without pictures ~ LOL.
Literature in Movies ~ We continued watching movies this week to get more great literature into our learning. This week we watched
The Chocolate War and
The Book Thief. The kids gave
The Chocolate War a thumbs down. They didn't like all of the bullying. Of course, they weren't supposed to like it from that perspective. They liked
The Book Thief much better, even though it had lots of death. The death wasn't graphic and you expect a lot of death when a movie is set during wartime. If you are wondering what films we plan to see, I have compiled a list of many
movies in this post.
Documentaries ~ The stomach virus has moved through the family one member at a time this week. To keep school going, we watched several documentaries. Our two favorites were
Life After People and
One Day On Earth (a time capsule of life in a 24 hour period of time around the world).
Art with Grandma ~ We got to do art with Grandma this week. We learned about Henri Matisse and then created our own cut-out artwork. It was lots of fun! Grandma always worries over her art lessons, but she needn't worry. The kids always enjoy the lessons and create wonderful art.
Science ~
Geology is coming along nicely. We spent one morning this week identifying several minerals. We studied the luster, color, hardness (using a scratch test and the Mohs Hardness scale) and texture of each mineral. Plus, we streak tested each mineral. We also studied salt vs. sugar under the microscope. Lastly, my kids showed Rose how you can set steel wool on fire using only a 9 volt battery.

The rest of the week was achieved. There were lessons in math, writing, and reading, as well as workbook pages. There were trials and small triumphs. Our debit cards were compromised through a Paypal hack, so we are currently without bank cards while the bank tries to get our money back. There was lots of dance classes ~ the ever present activity. There were meetings. We went to Goldilocks' first choir concert at her school. So we plowed along. We are now bracing for a winter storm. Crazy!! It has been spring-like for weeks and now here comes 4 to 6 inches of snow. I always say, "when life gives you lemons ~ make lemon cake!"
Blessings, Dawn