Friday, October 29, 2021

One Crazy Week


The Box Gang

What a week! You know when you have a week that really isn't just is difficult and every day seems to go a bit sideways. That was this week. 

The highlights of crazy

  • Around 11 pm this past very windy Monday, Elijah came flying into our bedroom to announce that Rosie (gray 100% indoor cat) had fallen out of the window and was now missing outside. (He forgot to pull the screen down in his window when he took his A/C unit out a few days before and had opened his window without noticing the lack of a screen. He likes to listen to the wind.) The entire household got out of bed and ran outside in the howling wind to look for the cat. We were barefoot and in makeshift PJ's (which meant boxers and a t-shirt for my husband). We stumbled around with flashlights, calling for her. I'm sure we clinched the crazy neighbor award for the year. Thankfully, she was found at the back door, waiting to be let in. 
  • Elijah's boss was fired on Monday. This is the boss who had Elijah so confused and nervous, because he would act like Elijah was doing a great job one day and a poor job the next. He hasn't received a new boss yet but had a positive and less stressful week. 
  • A dear friend has been in crisis for months with her ailing mother and was just hit by so many other issues this week. She called me in tears multiple times over the last few days, which is very unlike her. Outside of providing lots of emotional support, we are trying to find another way to help her. She is one of those people who is resistant to help. Ugh!
  • Our daughter Katie has gotten herself into a lot of serious financial problems. Her group home is not supporting her needs enough, and she has way too much freedom. We are working to get her phone turned back on, but most of her peril is just going to have to be suffered through by her. I hope it teaches her a lesson, but I am not counting on it. 
  • Rehearsals are increasing for must be Nutcracker season. LOL!
  • Salem (pure black cat) knocked over a glass of water onto Rebekah's cell phone. The glass fell from her nightstand onto the phone, which was on the floor, and smashed it. Then it sat all night in a puddle of water because Rebekah didn't wake up. The phone is ruined.
I think that is the majority of the crazy this week. I just want to point out that my tuxedo cat Eve didn't do anything wrong this week. I keep telling the kids that she is the best cat in the house. Ha! 

My major accomplishment this week, besides keeping this crazy boat afloat, was re-caulking the bathtub and sinks. It is a pain to do, but always looks so much better. 

Blessings, Dawn


  1. I'm glad the cat wasn't harmed from the fall, and that you found her. I'm sure you all were a sight, but all's well that ends well.

    Hopefully the new boss, when chosen, will be better at dealing with employees. I'm glad Elijah was able to not let it chase him off with the odd "leadership" he was getting before.

  2. I totally get the frustration of nothing hugely major but a lot of little struggles that make for an exhausting week. I hope Elijah gets a new boss with good people/management skills. I am of the firm opinion that managers should not just be automatically promoted from the ranks of workers--management is a specific skill, and a good manager can make or break a team.

    Here's to an easier week next week--or at least a week that goes mostly straight instead of sideways. :)

  3. Bummer on the phone! Mine was on it's last legs and dh was planning to get me a new one for Christmas, but it totally died before then, so I got it a little early. Scary how dependent we are on them now.
