Wednesday, November 2, 2022

What a Wonderful October!

It was a very busy month, but we had a delightful October. Rebekah didn't have a single day off without some kind of out-of-the-home commitment (work, dance or school). We were a bit worried about squeezing in all of the celebrating that we generally do in October, but it all worked out. Rebekah had a lovely birthday. She chose a tart for her birthday "cake". We went out on the Blue Ridge Parkway and enjoyed the fall leaves. Rebekah also enjoyed a charcuterie board.

It was also my husband's birthday this month. We decorated the table and he had his traditional steak dinner with chocolate peanut butter cake. I must admit, I think his traditional birthday cake is my favorite each year. 

We squeezed in pumpkin carving during movie night. I was glad that Elijah decided to join in the fun. He has been a bit down lately...growing pains primarily. 

We (all but Elijah) went on the LaZoom haunted bus tour on Halloween night. It was fun, but a bit off color for our taste. We were glad to be out and about. There aren't tons of things to do as an adult for Halloween. We don't get trick or treaters in our neighborhood.

Rebekah wore a devil outfit to dance one day. She enjoyed getting to dress up. They also had spirit week at her work, but I never got any photos  of her very low key costumes. 

My nanny job is going great. I love it so much. My little guy is just a joy to work with. He is smart as can be and mostly easy going. He spent the entire month loving all things Halloween and fall. We had so much fun making leaf piles, jumping and kicking balls, taking long walks and generally drinking up the last of the warm weather. He loves to be read to, and we read at least a dozen books a day. I made him a ghost bowling set for Halloween day. He really preferred stacking them rather than knocking them down.  I also made him purple rice this month. He loves this activity so much, but we are struggling to keep the rice in the bucket. He understands the concept, but he loves to throw it and watch me sweep it up. I think it is time for a mini broom and dust pan for him. 

My blog going forward- I do intend to keep blogging, but I think it will remain a once a month catch-up post and I will be adding a preschool post each month. My little guy and I are getting ready to start some very gentle preschool curriculum. I will be drawing from Montessori, Charlotte Mason and the Before Five in a Row curricula. I am delighted I have found a way to continue teaching. This job really fell in my lap, and I am so grateful. 

Blessings, Dawn


  1. That does sound like a great October! My oldest son picks a chocolate/peanut butter cake each year for his birthday too and I just love it. We don't get trick or treaters at all in our neighborhood either and this year Halloween passed us by without any of us even realizing it.

  2. What a blessing that your little guy's parents found you! I look forward to your preschool posts . . . and your monthly posts, of course! I'll be praying for Elijah to feel better. Here's hoping Rebekah gets some restful days in the month ahead before Christmas dancing gets too busy!!!

  3. What a lovely October! Happy birthday to Rebekah and your husband! We rarely get trick or treaters on our street either.

  4. Happy birthday Rebekah! I'm sorry Elijah's not feeling well. The teen years are so tough 😟. And I agree...chocolate peanut butter cake sounds delightful!

  5. Oh what fun to have a little in the house again! It's great that you found a way to put all your homeschool experience to new use. :)
