Friday, April 7, 2017

The Week Before Spring Break

This week was filled with great learning. I love the weeks that are filled to the brim with great quality stuff. Dean takes art classes with another homeschool mom two times a week. They are working on mural designs and looking for a public space that they would be allowed to paint a mural. They came up with a few possibilities this week.
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Time for a bit of silliness while on their quest.

In science this week, we went on a field trip to a mining and gem store. The kids got a huge tub of dirt laced with semi precious gems to sift through. They had a great time and came up with some great finds. Later in the week we identified the gems. The kids have garnets, several types of calcite, quartz, rose quartz, agate, sodalite, and lots of jasper. We are looking into getting a rock tumbler, so we can polish our gems and make jewelry.

In history this week, we finished our unit study on The Tree in the Trail, which was about the Sante Fe Trail. We wrapped up the unit by making honeycomb candles. We are excited about moving on to learning about Native American Indians. 

We finished the week off with our eldest child's birthday. Tim wanted events more than gifts, so we headed out to lunch and then to Fun Depot (an amusement center). We went on a 4D dinosaur adventure ride, played laser tag, played miniature golf and drove go-karts. It was an all-around exciting day. It amazes me that he is 27 and that I have been a mother in charge of a special needs family for that many years~ WOW!

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Image may contain: 6 people, people eating, people sitting, table, food and indoor

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, table and indoor

Besides all the fun, we did lots of seat work and DVD watching. We also had one and a half days of trials and tribulations with the bureaucracy. But I am too tired to repeat all that. I'd rather just repeat the positive this time. We have lots of great plans for our "field trip spring break". It should be a ton of fun and a nice break from the grind of dance and school. 

Blessings, Dawn


  1. We have mined for gems and stones in the past and I just love the idea of taking it a few steps further by identifying them and making jewelry out of them!

  2. I am amazed at all you accomplish! We love those gemstone finds so much we created one at home. You always do such fun, creative and interesting things in your homeschool.

  3. Another great week! I love the idea of mural designs and trying to find somewhere public to paint it. I do hope you find somewhere suitable :)

  4. I am amazed at all you do. You're school looks so fun and exciting. There are times, like now, where I get stuck in the "have to finish the book" mode. I need to be more exciting and productive. I'm working on it!!

    Praying for all your bureaucratic issues. I hope that they are resolved quickly and peacefully.
