I hope all of you had a lovely Thanksgiving. We had a calm one with plenty of food. Although the week was shorter than usual, it was jam-packed with goodness. We are all struggling with a family cold so this post will be a bit short. We completed week 14 and are taking it easy for a few days.
Art ~ Dean is doing great in his art class. The class held a mini art show for the parents this week. The students each depicted in a tuna can a scene of a happy memory. He based his on our trip to Ocean City, Maryland this summer. He did a great job capturing the light. They are starting self-portraits next.

Charity of the Week ~ We collected food for the food bank tree at the mall. The kids have been donating to this tree every year since they were old enough to hold a box or can in their hands. We were so busy this week that only Anne was with me when we were able to drop off our donation.
A Fun Photo Shoot ~ As soon as Anne saw the lovely holiday lights downtown, she wanted to do a photo shoot. So we did one on Thanksgiving evening. We had lots of fun. Here are just a few shots. She likes the silhouette one the best.

Today, we are limping through Friday doing chores, sterilizing the house before company comes next week and watching some science shows on Netflix. It is the best we can do! We often get sick right around Thanksgiving. I think that it is a blessing, really. There is a break of about five days between dance classes and Nutcracker week. It is a blessing that we generally get sick during this time of rest when we really can stop to take the time to recover. We have several fun things on the schedule for the weekend. I am not sure how many of them are going to happen.
Blessings, Dawn