Monday, January 17, 2011

A New Art Medium

We had fun with a new art medium today.  We explored making 3D sculptures with balloons and double stick tape.  I got the idea from our copy of Storybook Art.  This is a great book that has art project ideas that go with many excellent picture books. 

Today we read Harvey Potter's Balloon Farm.  I love the illustrations in this book.  They are so imaginative.  This book always brings out fantasy and fun in my children.

This was the kids' first time working with double-stick tape, and it took a little while to get the hang of it.  They tried making their own sculptures, but they kept falling over.  After a while they decided to work together to make a bridge.  It came out well.



  1. What lovely books and lovely creations! When my kids were younger we used balloons a lot in the winter. They just spark imagination and fun and get them moving when they could not go outside. I use to hide messages and treats inside of them. Then the kids would pop them. The messages were usually part of a game, our vocabulary for the week or our bible scripture.

  2. You are such a fun mom! I need to do more projects like this! I feel pulled in so many directions most days, but everyone would like some fun like this!

  3. My children love balloons, especially the balloons that you do balloon art with. I have to say, "They are getting pretty good with them also." You guys keep having fun.
