Saturday, April 9, 2022

Happy Birthday, Tim

We all have picked up a slight cold combined with allergies this week. Some of us took COVID tests, and they were negative. We are about to leave on a grand adventure. I don't want to say where or when we are leaving, involves suitcases so I am excited. I love traveling!

We had a low key birthday for Tim this week. He requested chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting and homemade cheese burgers with all the fixings. He also wanted a board game night. We played his new board game, King of New York. It was a nice and peaceful evening. Such a nice change from the crazy of the first two months of this year. We are so glad Tim pulled through all of the complications his heart went through this winter. He is such a blessing to our family!

Blessings, Dawn


  1. Happy birthday Tim! I hope the colds pass quickly, Lindsey has picked up one as well.

    Can't wait to hear about your travels!

  2. So glad he had a great birthday! We had colds/allergies making the way through our house too. I hope you have (had!) a wonderful vacation!
