Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Fun

It was a fast fun filled week and we aren't done with the celebrating yet! We had a lovely play date with just a small portion of our adoption support group on Christmas Eve. Only four families were able to make it. I can't believe that I was pregnant with Little Red Riding Hood when we first met this group!

The kids had a blast in the hurricane simulator. It made a mess of their hair. We crammed about six kids in each time.

We had one of the most peaceful Christmas mornings since raising this brood. It seems to get calmer each year. There was only one incident this year brought on by a panic attack that Goldilocks had. Everything ended alright. This year was a board game Christmas. We are having a blast playing with all of the great games we received. I will do a review of them with the New Year. Everyone voted on having a Board Game Marathon for New Year's Eve. We also got other delightful gifts.

Goldilocks got a money tree for Christmas. It got a bit squished under the tree.

Hope you all are having a peaceful Christmas week! We are so very blessed!

Blessings, Dawn

1 comment:

  1. Dawn it was wonderful catching up on your blog!!!! Can not get over how much the kids have grown up.
    Love the money tree idea and the toilet paper tube advent. And could relate to the bb gun story...sad to say.
