Monday, June 7, 2010

Ecourgaging Composition

"Our business is to provide children with material in their lessons, and, leave the handling of such materials to themselves. If we would believe it, composition is as natural as jumping and running to children who have been allowed due use of books. They should narrate in the first place, and they will compose readily enough; but they should not be taught 'composition'." ~ Charlotte Mason
Much of a Charlotte Mason education is so simple, if we just let it be. I myself forget this regularly. However, when it comes to writing and composing, I have tried to let things happen in due course. In the last few weeks, my children have gotten into the habit of following me around the house with paper and pen. They would chatter to each other and then ask me to spell a word or two for them. Before I knew it, they had a few sentences on several papers and were looking for the stapler. Realizing that I should strike while the iron was hot but not get too involved with their fun for fear of ruining it, I decided to make them some composition books. I put them in a basket with pencils, markers and stickers. I then placed the basket on the table and waited to see what would happen.

It was not long before little hands were in the basket and kiddos were asking, "What are these books and things for?" I told them they could write little stories in them and put them on their bookshelves. All three of them took a book and started composing. I look forward to seeing what they would create. Interestingly, the kids went off to get their personal spelling dictionaries and remembered periods at the end of their sentences without a single lesson! Thank you, Charlotte Mason.

Blessings, Dawn


  1. This is FANTASTIC!!!! My children love to write things too. Mostly they write lots of little love notes to eachother and to their dad and I. There have been times when I have had them write little books (or at least draw pics for the books) about a topic we just covered, and they love it. It's one of their favorite activities. I like your idea of creating a basket like this for them to use as they like. I think I may try this at home too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love your creativity; it's one of the many reasons that I'm often checking out your blog (even when I'm just lurking--YIKES!) Interestingly enough, I was just reading through some posts on creative outlets like this--kid-directed creative outlets, that is--and I was surfing through the Internet finding ways to creatively get some items accomplished that I wanted to. You were my confirming angel today! Thanks, as always, for giving me a peek into your world; I'm forever blessed when I visit.

  3. I used to do this as a little girl!

  4. I reading your posts. You always seem to calm and "together" despite the issues with your children. What a blessing you are to them (and me)!
    That's a wonderful idea. I never really thought of it as Charlotte Mason put it, but it's pretty much what we do at our house (because it's simple :) ) The only problem I've found when I make little composition books similar to yours is that one of my sons seems to have this uncontrollable urge to fill it up completely the first day. I guess that's a nice problem to have.

  5. I love this! Thank you for sharing! Holly

  6. Yay!
    I love to see when they take off on their own like that with just a bit of facilitating on the part of mom.

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  8. What a neat idea! My children are not that old yet, but I hope that someday they will love writing enough that it would be worthwhile for us to try something similar. Thanks for sharing how the CM method really can work. I often doubt it myself.

  9. Wonderful. I too often want my kids to fit into a structure I've come up with, instead of encouraging things like this. Thanks for a lovely reminder. :)
