Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day in the Life ... July Edition

Wow! I can hardly believe our summer is almost over. We start school on Monday! It has been a great summer. I believe it is our most successful one ever. I found just the right balance between free time and structured time. I only heard that dreaded phrase, "I'm Bored," about 10 times!! I will also be recording our food for the day for those who are interested in what we eat on our son's diet (which is free of gluten, oats, corn, yeast, casein, eggs, soy, rice, chocolate, and peanuts). Here is a look at our day.

The morning was nice and calm with lots of free play. I like the days that start off gently. Playmobil was the first activity of the day.

Playmobil turned into Brio play. I love it when they play so nicely together. We had nearly two hours of peaceful play this morning.

We had a short break from play to eat breakfast. The kids had refried beans, chips, cherries and gingerbread tea.

  All of the children then moved on to a Lego game that kept them busy until it was time for chores.

Lego alarm clock made by Tom Sawyer

The kids emptied the dishwasher, folded a load of laundry, cleaned the bathroom and put away their toys. Tim took all the trash out and cleaned the kitchen. Before chore time, he spent the morning reading and training his dog. I did laundry and swept the floors in several rooms. After chore time, we had circle time. This morning was a quick circle time. We talked about upcoming activities for the day, read several library books and did Mad Libs. Then we headed out to do two errands on the way to swimming lessons.

Learning to dive

Water safety practice

After swimming lessons, we returned home for lunch. The kids had a choice of tuna burgers or salmon burgers for lunch today. They also had spinach salad, strawberry and spinach smoothies, clementines,
and chips.

By now it was close to 1 pm. The girls danced and Tom Sawyer read his book until it was time to leave for our playdate at a friend's house.

When we got to Kristie's home, Tom Sawyer disappeared to the basement to play with her oldest on the Wii. Since the rest of her kids were playing with the Wii, the girls decided to do some extra chores for Kristie. She was offering two dollars a piece, so the girls eagerly did chores for her.

We then returned home to have dinner and hurry out the door to Boomer's puppy class. We had trail mix, cucumbers, carrots, pickles and hamburger-black bean mix.

It was a great day and a great summer. We are excited to start school next week.



  1. What wonderful meal and activities! I can't believe you are starting school so soon.

  2. What fun you all had. Wow, I got to get my lesson plans ready still. I will be starting in September. I loved seeing what you are feeding your ds. Did you try those chia and flax seed chips. If you do I hope you let me know what you all thought of them.

    Blessings and ((HUGS))

  3. Looks like a great day. We school year round, but this year we are only having lessons 3 days a week for the summer.

  4. I had to LOL at your hairless playmobil guys! My boys do that too - and it drives me a little batty. We've been trying to sort and clean out our playroom so I've been looking at a lot of playmobil figures.

    Thanks for sharing about your meals. I am enjoying reading about them

  5. What a lovely summer and review. I am still in need of motivation to get the plans done...sign. ( I usually have them done by now). We will be starting in September. May your first week be filled with joyful adventures!
    Love love love the playmobile stuff! Oh how I miss these. Our kids still get the legos out though.
