Monday, September 29, 2008

U.S. History II

The big teen completed his U.S. History II course for 10th grade.  He used the 10 volume set, A History of US, for his core books.  We both really enjoyed this set.  He completed volumes 8, 9, and most of 10 for this course.  The big teen studied post Civil War to the 1950's.  In addition to these books, he did in-depth studies of the following famous people:  Mark Twain, Jesse James, Norman Rockwell, Theodore Roosevelt, Fredrick Douglas, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Eleanor Roosevelt.  He watched videos about the 1918 flu, Fatal Flood of 1927, Johnstown Flood, Yellow Fever, the Massi Affair, the Great Escape and many WWII documentaries.  He also studied and read The Man in the Arena by Teddy Roosevelt, Night by Elie Wiesel, and In Their Own Words.

He received an A for this course.

Blessings, Dawn

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Big Teen. Keep up the wonderful work and the awesome grades!
