Fifty-eight days ... that is how many days are left before the Big Teen's graduation. He graduates on May 23 at the homeschool convention in Winston-Salem, with cap and gown and high school diploma. To say we are excited for him is an understatement. We are elated. So many in the medical field said he would not even survive to be making his way into adulthood. However, we are scared for him, as well. I am sure all parents go through these thoughts of "Did we do all that we could to prepare our child for adulthood?" This is doubly so when you are preparing a disabled child to make his way in the world. The Big Teen will continue to live with us for years to come, which gives my Mother's heart a sigh of relief. That will give us more time to fine tune all that we can and guide him on his journey. My Mother wants to have him do a post-graduate year next year that she will supervise, since he's not going on to college. There's still so many things he wants to learn about -- more about world religions, philosophy, US and world history, and world lit. We are very blessed that he is willing to be guided and wants to continue living with us. Nonetheless, a major milestone is on the horizon. We are still thinking about all the ways we would like to honor this special event. We will do the formal graduation and a nice dinner out. But it seems like there should be more ~ something else more momentous then just dinner out. We are going to be giving him a bus pass to start learning the bus system better (driving still appears out of the question at this time) and some other things to help him move more into independence. He has very few friends so having a big party doesn't seem logical. Most of our family is out of town. However, one set of grandparents will be coming for graduation and one grandmother lives here. My creative juices are a bit low with all that has to be done to get us through this final stretch. So those of you who have graduated a child or are already thinking of ideas ~ what do you suggest, considering that we have very little funds? The next few weeks are going to be used to finish his credit hours in chemistry and algebra. I was afraid that these two subjects would be neglected, because the Big Teen hates them -- and sure enough they have. At least 22 of the 28 credits required in this state for graduation are completed, and there are only a handful of hours left to complete two more of the remaining credits. So we are going to be burning the midnight oil to complete the hours for algebra and chemistry credits. He will make it, but he is going to have to push a bit. Did I mention Senioritis has kicked in big time for teen and teacher?! I really want him done by May 15 so that we can rest the week before graduation. We shall see if I get my wish. Thankfully, the little ones only have 20 days to go before they have their required 180 days. Woo whoo! They will be done in no time, although they beg for school even on weekends, so I'm not sure they will be pleased about my concentrating only on the Big Teen until May 23.Blessings, Dawn
The theme at Muffin Tin Monday this week is Rainbows. I thought this might be hard but found that I had several choices in most of the colors! The kids loved their rainbow tins. Going clockwise in the photo are rice noodles with spaghetti sauce, carrots, potato chips, grapes, blueberries and organic grape roll-ups.
Blessings, Dawn
Well, my youngest lost her very first tooth today. That means that we have just passed another milestone in our home. Since she is the youngest, today was the "Very Last First Tooth" milestone. Oh, my! They grow up so fast. Sometimes the days seem so long, but the years are so fleeting.
Her new big girl tooth was coming in behind the baby tooth so it is already starting to poke through. The other bottom baby tooth is pretty loose, too. We may get to celebrate twice this week. We do not do the tooth fairy tradition anymore. Our youngest son is very serious about honesty. He didn't like the idea of a tooth fairy coming into his room to look under his pillow at night. He was alarmed about that and even more alarmed when he found out that adults in society make things up, such as the tooth fairy, Easter bunny, and Santa. So early on, we got rid of the tooth fairy tradition. Now we do an ice cream sundae. Since we are on a dairy-free, gluten-free diet, we do a Rice Dream sundae instead. The one who lost the tooth gets to pick out the type of Rice Dream/Soy Dream flavor and which two toppings to go on it. Little Red Riding Hood picked strawberry with pastel sprinkles and organic gummy drops. This morning we got to have sundaes on Sunday for breakfast, which the kids thought was really cool. LOL
Blessings, Dawn
With St. Patrick's Day right around the corner, we decided to join in on Muffin Tin Monday this week. I had fun coming up with a green meal to fill our muffin tin. Going clockwise in the photo, we have salad, broccoli, grapes, cucumbers, mayo, and Shrek drink (smoothie with spinach, grapes, honey, lime and ice cubes). We also had eggs to complete the meal, but I decided not to make them green this time. The kids loved their green meal and had fun with the Shrek drink. I am so glad I have kiddos that eat their veggies!! The smoothie was a fun way to get in spinach which is new to them. I am not too hip on spinach myself, so never gave it to them!
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!Blessings, Dawn
I've received many questions about our special diet. We are doing well. We got back chocolate on Valentine's Day. We saw very little reaction. However, we really overdid the chocolate consumption and Tom Sawyer had trouble going to sleep. So far we have not been able to eat out with much success. Tom Sawyer has had accidents almost every time we have eaten out, even though we thought the food was safe. Also, Goldilocks's eyes have turned purple and grey underneath whenever we have eaten out as well. Still, I think we are seeing an improvement in behavior with both Goldilocks and Tom Sawyer. They get through the day without seeming quite so irritable. I am able to push them just a bit harder to get through things that before would have been asking too much of them. However, there is still a lot to work on in their behavior. Basically, we eat an abundance of fruit with homemade hash browns, garbanzo bean biscuits or an egg for breakfast. For lunch, we eat lots of salads (lettuce, nuts, veggies without dressing or a little organic mayonnaise) with rice/rice cake/or homemade french fries. Sometimes, we have rice cake sandwiches with organic lunchmeat and fruit. Dinner consists of organic meat/veggies/rice or rice noodles. Snacks can tend to be the hardest thing of all. Filling them up seems to be a real problem. I've found that something either chewy or that they can suck on seems to be more satisfying to them. They like homemade popsicles, fruit, raisins and peanuts, popcorn (however, I am not sure whether or not Tom Sawyer should be having corn), and store bought gluten-free pretzels. They also love organic dried fruit bars. For dessert, the kids love Rice Dream ice cream; homemade chocolate Rice Dream fudgesicles; homemade gluten-free blondies; store-bought, gluten-free cookies; and organic jelly beans. Luckily, they were used to only getting ten M&M's before for dessert, so they are happy with 10 to 15 jelly beans for dessert now. After all, organic candy is expensive! In fact, eating this way is indeed expensive. We are hoping to offset the cost of this diet by planting a really good garden this year. We also hope to purchase a freezer and buy a half of a grass-fed cow. With the leftover space in the freezer, we can freeze veggies from our garden. We also plan on going berry picking and making refrigerator jam. I am not ready to learn how to can food but find that jams and sauces last long enough in the fridge. My kids could eat homemade jam and applesauce straight from the jar. Well, that is where we are now. We are pleased with the diet so far. I can't wait to see my dh's cholesterol results next month. I hope they will have improved. We are all feeling healthier. Having Tom Sawyer be dry at night is so worth the effort of learning a new way of eating. If I have not answered somebody's question, please ask again. I'll answer you if I can.Blessings, Dawn
A few days ago, we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday. We read lots of Dr. Seuss stories and talked in rhyme for the fun of it. We made a lap book with lots of Dr. Seuss stickers and did lots of Dr. Seuss math pages. The real highlight of the day was making our own Dr. Seuss Play-Doh characters. The kids loved making these. It kept them busy for a long time, which I really appreciated. (I was still a bit slow that day from the flu and needed anything that would slow down the kiddos.) Allergy side note ~ Did you know that store-bought Play-Doh can cause a gluten allergy? A few weeks ago when we were at the beginning of our allergy journey, Tom Sawyer reacted to playing with Play-Doh. This time he wore plastic gloves. No reaction this time, thank goodness. I think his little body is getting stronger, and he can take tiny little bits of exposure. However, we won't be racing out to test that theory much.
We finished off our Dr. Seuss day with a video of The Cat and The Hat and a meal made of green eggs and ham. Green eggs were a big hit. They taste the same, don't you know!? We may have to have them again for St. Patrick's day.
Blessings, Dawn
An amazing event has taken place in our home this past week. Our little Goldilocks got the flu with the rest of the family! What is remarkable about that, you say? Well, in the more than six years we have had her she has only been mildly sick three or four times. Is her immune system that good? (no) Did her birth mother nurse her with some really powerful breast milk? (No, she was fed Mountain Dew or alcohol for the first 16 months of her life.) It is a little known fact outside of mothers of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) children that these kids simply do not get sick. The professionals are not entirely sure why. However, they suspect that it is because these kids' survival instincts are so finely tuned that their bodies actually ward off germs. I don't know how factual this is, but I do know that most mothers of RAD children agree that their kids do not get sick until they are really starting to let their defenses down and begin the healing process. So that is the remarkable part of my week. Goldilocks not only got the flu with a fever, but she took a nap two days in a row without sedating medication. She has not slept one night without sedating medication in 6 years. Just another way my Goldilocks is letting us know that she is healing little by little.
This is one of the only pictures I have of my little one sleeping. Even as a toddler, you could not look in on her without waking her up, let alone take a picture.Blessings, Dawn