Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Presidents Day

The kids love our tradition of doing a scavenger hunt on Presidents Day. Each year I pick a different theme to learn about a few presidents. I then hide our pewter presidents (or photos for the more recent ones). This year we received the book, Assassination! The Brick Chronicle of the Attempts on the Lives of Twelve US Presidents. (Disclaimer ~ Although this book is filled with Lego pictures, it is very graphic in some of the written information. It is not necessarily child friendly for the younger crowd.) I decided to use this book as our theme and learn a bit more about the 12 presidents who have experienced attempts on their lives.
  • Andrew Jackson's parrot cursed and had to be removed from his funeral. (Hidden in a basket of stuffed animal birds)
  • Abraham Lincoln was the first president to be photographed at his Inauguration. Also pictured in that photograph is John Wilkes Booth, his future assassin. (Hidden in my camera bag)
  • James Garfield was ambidextrous and could write in Greek with one hand while writing in Latin with the other. (Hidden on my desk with Latin and Greek pages)
  • William McKinley was the first president to campaign using the telephone. (Hidden next to our phone)
  • Theodore Roosevelt had really bad asthma. (Hidden with my oldest son's inhaler)
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt has a movie credit to his name for a story he created. (Hidden in the movie drawer)
  • John F. Kennedy was the first Roman Catholic and first Boy Scout to become president. (Hidden with the Bibles)
  • Richard Nixon was a card shark and paid for his first campaign with his winnings from playing cards. (Hidden on the game shelf)
  • Gerald Ford was a fashion model before becoming president. (Hidden in Daddy's ties)
  • Ronald Reagan was a stand up comedian during his early career. (Hidden in our very own comedian, Tom Sawyer's, room)
  • Bill Clinton has won two Grammy Awards for his reading of audio books. (Hidden where we keep our audio books) 
  • Barack Obama loves the Harry Potter series and Spider man comics. (Hidden with our Harry Potter books)

Click below to see how we celebrated in the past:

Blessings, Dawn


  1. I'm not sure I even realized Obama or Clinton had had assassination attempts on them...but I love this scavenger hunt - what a terrific idea!
