What a Week ~
This week has been filled to the brim with activities. We had 11 out of the home commitments this week which included multiple dance classes, physical therapy for Tom Sawyer, genetics appointment for Goldilocks, interview with new mental health placement for Goldilocks, mental health therapy for son Tim, last day of homeschool tutorial classes, and mental health therapy for Tom Sawyer. Yes, my hands are very full, but my heart is full, too. I feel so blessed to homeschool. How would we manage this life of appointments if we didn't?
Life was busy on the home front as well. We had six more windows replaced. Two years ago, we replaced eight windows. We have been working our way around the house. Now, we just have seven to go to complete the house. I hope we can accomplish the last of the windows by Christmas, but the roof may insist on being replaced first. We also removed and sealed off the old metal chimney that went nowhere and pumped plenty of cold air into our basement during the winter. It feels so good to keep working away at the To Do List. Our house should be much warmer next winter with these improvements.
Highlights from the Week ~
Sunday ~ We had a lovely and calm Mother's Day. My husband and kids took my Mom and me out to Boston Market for lunch. We had a lovely lunch and spent the day hanging out. I told my husband that I didn't want to cook or even look at the kitchen all day. He made breakfast, took us out for lunch and then grilled dinner. It was awesome to have a day off from kitchen duty. My lovely white iris that my oldest child, Tim, gave me on Mother's Day last year is putting on a beautiful show.
Monday ~ Monday was filled with big and stressful appointments. The most stressful one was meeting and interviewing a new potential mental health placement for Goldilocks. It went better than expected, and I think the new placement will be a good fit for Goldilocks. We also ended up with a flat tire. Thankfully, we were in a parking lot, my Mom was able to come pick us up and my hero husband changed it that evening. We ended up needing two new tires, but all is well that ends well.
Tuesday ~
We managed to get a full day of school completed before 3:00 pm! I love it when this happens.
Wednesday ~
Between physical therapy and dance classes, we were away from home for hours. However, we got all of our school work done!
Little Red Riding Hood is in pink. |
Tom Sawyer in an extra rehearsal. |
Thursday ~
This was the craziest day in the week. We had a genetics appointment for Goldilocks, and it was the last day of homeschool co-op classes, complete with parties. When I arrived to pick up Goldilocks from school, the school was under
perimeter lock down! I had to go through several check points to make it to the office and get Goldilocks released. Apparently, there was a suspected threat outside and the police with rifles had surrounded the building. It is so hard to let her be in school. It so goes against my principles. Frankly, I have seen nothing that increases my confidence in the public school system in this area.
Friday ~ Finally, we had a catch-up day. We balanced school and errands. We are facing the busiest week of the month next week. It is tech week before the big spring dance performance. Of course, there are lots of other important things going on as well. We are done with our required hours for this school year so the rest of school is all icing on the cake. I have a few more things that I want completed before we rest. We have just three weeks to go. I hope we get all of the loose ends tied up.
What We Did for School Time ~
- Watched the movie I Remember Mama
- Finished The First Four Years
- Started The City of Ember (audio book)
- Read a few chapters from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
- Completed many language arts pages (Little Red Riding Hood has 130 pages to go which is great considering that she had over 350 pages a few weeks ago).
- Did Teaching Textbooks daily
- Went to co-op classes
- Read Middle School Astronomy -- three chapters
- Read a lot during independent reading time
- Watched CNN Student News daily
- Read aloud An American Story 100 True Tales ~ 12 stories that were all review of history we learned about this year
- Completed Draw Write Now Book 2
- Made bread, Banana Sour Cream Cake, and chocolate covered bananas
Blessings, Dawn