Monday, December 6, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday ~ Winter's Gift

The children are really enjoying our "new" Advent book each day.  I thought I would combine Muffin Tin Monday with one of our books this week. We enjoyed the book Winter's Gift about a lonely old man who has lost hope.  But then a mare in need crosses his path, and in helping the mare, his spirit is renewed.

I tried to put comfort foods that one would eat during the winter in a cold wooded area.  The muffin tin had hot chocolate with whip cream, ham rolls, a clementine,  cranberry sauce, slices of cheese, and crackers.  As a special treat, their Step Grandmother read the book while they were eating.




  1. Looks like we had the same idea, gotta love advent books. We've been doing advent lunches each day, but for MTM we did a fun Christmas book Duck & Goose It's Time For Christmas! Hop over to my blog to enter a Christmas Giveaway of MTM foods!!!
